Saturday, April 24, 2010

3. Serve a full-time mission [another update]

So... I'm pretty sure most of you already know, but just in case... I have been called to serve in the Utah Provo mission! I will be assigned to work in the St. George temple visitor's center, which I'm still waiting for some explantion about... The shocking part : I don't report until October!!! which is awesome! but also horrible! there are more pressing reasons for horrible right now, so please feel free to give me more pros! :)

I love you guys! and thanks for all the fish ;)

*ps - Spanish speaking

Thursday, April 1, 2010

3. Serve a full-time mission [update]

My Papers Are In.

I think that's the calmest I've been about it since my bishop said he was calling the stake president last night :p hahaha! ok... so maybe not cuz I did sit through choir without telling anyone...

Anyways... now we wait! You can go ahead and guess where I'll be going on my newly figured out Facebook group! :p

Thanks to all y'all! cuz I know those of you who read this are probably among the most influencial in this process and decision <3