Saturday, April 24, 2010

3. Serve a full-time mission [another update]

So... I'm pretty sure most of you already know, but just in case... I have been called to serve in the Utah Provo mission! I will be assigned to work in the St. George temple visitor's center, which I'm still waiting for some explantion about... The shocking part : I don't report until October!!! which is awesome! but also horrible! there are more pressing reasons for horrible right now, so please feel free to give me more pros! :)

I love you guys! and thanks for all the fish ;)

*ps - Spanish speaking

1 comment:

  1. Pro: it is lovely and warm in St. George. (There are palm trees! I know. I saw two of them.) In October you will be loathing the weather of Alberta, and St. George will seem all the more rapturous for the contrast. If you were to go in the summer, you'd be thinking "This place is piping hot, oh save me!" and it would be a hard adjustment. The wait is therefore very much in your favour. ;)
