Saturday, February 20, 2010

44. Go on a “date” with each of my direct family members #1

So I took my sister for sushi the night before Valentine's day... we were going to get a love boat, but we were not that hungry, and she didn't want to try all of the ones it came with, so we just got:

          Ebi Maki Norimaki              and  a half order of Prawn Tempura!!

Needless to say they were delicious! =D and we had some fun mixing things for the Maki! :) ... we actually asked for hot sauce to mix with the soya sauce :p it wasn't bad! and satisfied our want for a spicy something... but I think I liked the classic soya sauce with ginger and wasabi better :)

Funny story : to decide what kind of sushi to get we flipped a coin (like B-dette would!) and... it fell into my cup of water!! hahaha! ok... maybe not so funny when you tell the story, but hillarious at the time ;p

          my chomping shot                ;p            her Aaaaaagh shot

Our happy together shot! <3

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I haven't been here in a million years! But I've been reading back, and for the record, I *did* laugh at your coin story!

