Tuesday, March 9, 2010

85. Make meals that don’t involve rice for five days in a row

I actually didn't get to cook day 3 cuz I worked all day, but I took on an extra day at the end :)

Monday I made pizza with my brother and sister's help! :)  We even gave stuffed crust a try... and it wasn't amazing :p ... my bad

Tuesday I made pâté chinois (basically québécois shepherd's pie, so good!) for the missionaries! =D no one died and even my mom liked it this time! so it had to have been good! (she usually finds it too greasy)

Wednesday I ended up working overtime, so I didn't get to cook. :(  My brother made us spagettis though :) (they were yummy and he kept up the no rice-ness ^_^ )

Thursday I made beef stroganoff cuz my sister was away at choir camp and she doesn't like it :p I got teased for my using ground meat again :p but this time around it was actually elk meat, so I guess it was Elk Stroganoff? =D

Friday I made us arepas (it's these little fried ... corn patties? they're venezuelan http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dd/Arepas_de_huevo.jpg and you slice 'em open and stuff 'em with whatever you like :) ) to celebrate Nessa's return! =D we were almost out of deli meats though, so we had to suffice with just a lot of eggs and cheese to fill them with which wasn't bad, but next time I'll remember to check for the meats!

Saturday my mom wanted to make something with rice in it for dinner, so I got to make breakfast :) A classic! :) we actually ended up going out for dinner thanks to my cousin! :) Yay! Chinese!! :p <3


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