Sunday, January 31, 2010

56. Successfully make aji de gallina

I did it!!! I wanted it for my birthday, and my mom was going to come home after church today to make it for me, but having watched people make it about... 3 times in the last few months... I thought I'd give it a whack! and oh man! apparently it was actually pretty good!!  My auntie had seconds!! and as you will see... there weren't many leftovers!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Works in progress

It's weird... but somehow I feel I'm not making any big dents in this list!!! so... I thought I'd write out what I'm working on... and then some I think I'll try soon :)

2. Read the Bible
I've started! in french...? I don't know... it has a different ring to it... so I'm excited! :)

3. Serve a full-time mission
I can't send my papers 'til I get a job!!! :( but I trust the Lord will provide if I keep looking! :)

6. Read Romeo and Juliet
I took out The Oxford Shakespeare - The Complete Works, Second Edition from the library, so I've started reading!! =D... and kinda hope I can make the time for a few other plays! :)

8. Share testimony with someone every fast Sunday for a year
Well... I have! though I tend to just get up and share it with everyone in the congregation or in Relief Society cuz well... I don't know... I guess I'm just not looking hard enough for others to share with

11. Climb five new trees
I'm up to two

12. Give up the internet for two weeks
I did a week! and then I caved cuz I really need a job... so I'm still not sure if I'll just do one more week later or a full two...

31. Play through an RPG
The lack of work has led to lunacy... I'm working on Kingdom Hears ;p

35. Write and send a letter a week
There have been weeks where I write up to three... and I am gunna say they count for the few weeks I haven't written

40.  Not eat junk food for a month
My mom wants to lose some weight, so after the birthday rush, we're gunna do it! She wants to go for two months...

43. Sew myself a dress
Fabric has been found... and the skirt type I want too... so now I just have to make a pattern... or pick a different dress! but! I think I want it done for sweethearts :)

49. Have two jobs at once
So... it seems I have no job right now... but! in fact I do! I just don't get ANY hours! so... once I find a job that gives me hours, I'll technically have two jobs

52. Learn to play and be able to sing along to a song on guitar
I have found a cute song with just two chords! ... so I'm working on lyrics, and being able to switch between the two chords with ease :p

53. Go to sleep before midnight for two consecutive weeks
I've tried this one and failed too many times... but I'll get it...

56. Successfully make aji de gallina
My grandma taught me how, and I've already forgotten, but we're making it again tomorrow, so I'll take notes this time! :p and then! I plan my peruvian party! =D

64. Go carolling twice a winter season
I went this winter! :) 5 times at school! and then once actually out and about :)

72. Write something in my journal every day for a month
Day 11! :D

74. Read Preach My Gospel
Got me a copy! so I started! :D

77. Practice piano every day for 3 weeks
12 days left! I hope my siblings don't go insane :p

80. Attend a local group’s concert
15 Miles is amazing... heard I think... most of their originals... can't wait for the next gig!

83. Learn to skate properly
I'm not taking lessons or anything... but I've been out to the rink now! :) and doing better than I remembered! so... it'll get there! :)

94. Learn to apply eye make up properly
Once again... not taking lessons, but I've been experimenting! and there's deffinately been progress! :) wanna try a few more things before I can say I've got it! :)

95. Give out 3 Books of Mormon

99. Make a list of songs that remind me of each of my siblings
I've started playlists in Media Player for 'em :)

101. Document the fulfilling of this list with pictures and short notes
Well you've seen 'em!! :D

There's also plans being stewed about having a friends camping trip next month where we'd snow shoe and ice fish! ... I really hope it happens! =D

Oh! and I'm almost certain the temple won't be dedicated before my return! *thumbs up!!*

Oh wow... k! so... apparently I am getting more done than I remember! :)  That's pretty encouraging! =D

61. Watch the three High School Musicals back to back and sing along to every song

yes... I tortured my siblings this past Sunday! hahaha!! My sister had to keep on reminding me when a song was going! :p hahaha!! and... we made TOO much popcorn... well... not really, but we had to make a second batch cuz we forgot our grandma was still up upstairs, and when she came down she was not impressed that we hadn't offered her any! haha! Also! my parents showed up for the third movie! and they brought us a bit of chinese take out! it was pretty good... haha! so... Thanks to these two lovely kids! and thanks to the Cs who lent me their copies haha! :) <3

58. Wash dishes without being asked once a week for two months

I have done it... there's not a whole lot special... except that I think it's more fun/even enjoyable when you play fun music too! :)  Umm... I suppose I have to take a picture of me washing dishes... so check back for that! :p

47. Wave to everyone I make eye contact with while driving on a road trip

Unfortunately, this one was a bit of a let down, but also an awesome one! :p haha! well... I tried it over my... oh... 4 lengthy car rides over 3 days?  haha! and only on one occasion did I get some waving returned!! and it was because of my dear friends were waving as we passed them :) <3 I tried again afterwards because I didn't get the eye contact with the next people, so with my friends to aid me in my futile efforts, I waved into darkness even! trying for SOMETHING!! :p but... there was no more than one weird look... *shrug* you win some you lose some I guess... but I have to get a picture for this... and I'm not quite sure how to do it... but it'll come...

*days later, I found this picture I'd taken of the guy behind us that we tried waving to:

An obvious failure... but that's ok! it was fun! and funny! and we got Peter's out of it! =D

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Random Quizzy Thing... that really doesn't have much to do with my 101...

A friend of mine recently started her own blog, and the first entry was kinda a review of the past year, so here's mine :)

1. Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

... I generally don't have set resolutions... and I think my only resolution is to get most of my 101 done before my mission! :) ... no real resolutions
2. Did anyone close to you give birth?

I think Trina and Kailey both had their kids this year! =D

3. Did anyone close to you die?

... I hate to say that we weren't as close as I had hoped we would be... so I don't know if it counts! but she was a great friend <3 RIP Leita...  (PS- if anyone can tell me how to get to her grave, that'd be greatly appreciated)

4. What countries did you visit?

Just Canada! :) and what a LOVELY country! =D

5. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?


6. What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory and why?

Haha! I'm such a goose... I defs thought of like... going on dates! so... here goes those! =D
1) The Temple mis-date Date! 
2) The Giant Group Date
3) The Preference Date
4) The Fried Rice Date
5) The Fall Ball Date
I think that migh actually be all the dates I went on this year :p ... they were all pretty memorable :) <3 thanks!

7. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

I think I'm pretty happy with having lived on my own and basically payed for just about everything (except the food and couple months of rent my parents helped me out with) on my own (and yeah... I accumulated a lot of debt =/ )

8. What was your biggest failure?

Not putting at least 90% into my efforts for my student teaching.  I could just feel myself slacking =/ I put A LOT into it... but it never seemed to be enough...

9. Did you suffer illness or injury?

a little illness... (nothing major... just your regular stress cold I think) no injuries :)

10. What was the best thing someone bought you?

oh... umm... I don't know... The Christmas Mug I got from one of my students! it's my first teacher mug! :)
11. Where did most of your money go?

12. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Going to Québec!!! and starting my papers, so also blood tests ;p !!! =D

13. What song will always remind you of 2009?

This is it - Michael Jackson

14. Compared to this time last year, are you:

a) happier or sadder? about the same...

b) fatter or skinnier? umm... about the same... maybe a tiny bit skinnier cuz I didn't eat so much this time around living with my dad :p

c) richer or poorer? deffinately poorer...

15. What do you wish you'd done more of?

Saving... or working...

16. What do you wish you'd done less of?


17. Did you fall in love in 2009?

umm... not sure... so I guess not? ... unless you count falling in love with Québec City all over again.

18. What was your favorite TV program?

At the beginning of the year I followed four shows: Legend of the Seeker (which apparently has a season two! w00t!), One Tree Hill (unfortunately I got addicted...), Supernatural (but only in the day time :p) and Big Bang!! but... I unfortunately fell into the evil that is Heroes near the end of the year... so it took over all! though I still follow the others :p

19. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

I wouldn't say hate... but there's a couple people I can think of that I'm not as fond of anymore...?

20. What was your greatest musical discovery?

umm... David Archuleta :)

21. What was your favorite film of this year?

Up! :) or... High School Musical 3  <3

22. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?

I reached 20 this past year! and I was away from all my family! and only had one good friend... the only one who wished me a happy birthday that day (in person) and the only person who handed me a gift that day too... (she got me a Cowboys Fringants CD!!! =D) :p though! I did get a package in the mail the Friday before (it was a Sunday, which kinda added to the lameness cuz I was at church! and even my missionary buds forgot!!)! and then like... a month or so later I got a package from my aunt!! =D PLUS!!! Carnaval started that weekend!!! which is the best present I could ever not even have to ask for! :) so... although it was kinda a lame day... it was an all around good time too :)

23. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

umm... being able to hang out with my bff+e much more pre-mission... or having enough money to be able to leave on my mission immediately...

24. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?

... fashion? ... ok! umm... try things people would pick out... and give it a chance :) ?

25. What kept you sane?

The wind and music

26. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

umm...... none? I honestly can't think of anyone... oh! Maybe Taylor Swift... but I also hate her... cuz she's got it all ;p

27. Who do you miss?

Jon, and now my L-town friends... and Miki!! and pops a bit... ;p and Jon's parents!! and the QUÉBÉCOIS! both legit and adopted :) <3

28. Who was the best new person you met?

Oh man... Bernz!!! My Aussi Twin!!! followed very closely by Jon's mom, Claudia, Lisa, JCam, JStory, Noyce and Bravery!

29. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:

Surrounding yourself with good people and intentions makes life easier and feel more worthwhile. (or something like that... )