Tuesday, December 29, 2009

57. Have a sleepover with all my cousins on my mom’s side

Leftovers of our partying :p

Well... to be honest, the 2 year old couldn't make it for the actual sleeping part... but my auntie brought her over in the morning so we could all have breakfast together! :)

I actually think that the person who was most grateful for this get together was my grandma!! :) It was pretty lame that we couldn't have Christmas all together cuz two of them were with their mom, who had arranged for them to be unavailable the following evening, and actually helped make it tricky to get them for the sleepover too!! but that's ok! we persevered! and we had a rocktacular time! :D

We watched The Muppets' Christmas Carol :) and then in the morning the boys played a PS3 football game :p and we all just kinda hung out 'til the crêpe master (my auntie) arrived :p and we feasted! and then we made plans to go get things for lunch cuz we were all still pretty hungry :p

28. Pay for the person behind me at a Timmy Ho’s drive thru

This was probably the most fun thing so far! and it took no time at all!! We stopped by Tim Horton's to get my mom something to eat before work on our way back from my dad's and there was a jumbo line up, so I thought to myself : What better day than Monday morning in this ridiculous line up the Monday before Christmas?! so I did! :) The lady told us we payed for a guy's coffee and breakfast sandwich :)

You can't tell too well... but that's the guy behind us! and the long line up ;p

*INSERT: On the radio today they had a segment for sharing do-good things that have been done to you, and someone said they went to Timmy's one day and when they got to the window, they found it was payed for them! w00t!!!! :D -May 28th 2010

15. 12 days of Christmas someone

I chose one of my new awesome friends who lives nearby to do this to... I don't know if she knows how awesome she is! plus, she didn't spend Christmas with her family, so she was obviously the perfect candidate <3 Unfortunately, she knows me well enough already to know that I'm one of the only people around that would do this, so I didn't even get past day three without her knowing who it was :p

Some of them were pretty clever too!! but I can't take credit for all of them cuz I took a lot from http://www.easyfunschool.com/article2032.html

Well... I returned to Calgary after day 7 and I left a secret helper to deliver the last few days... :) Thanks to them!

10. Watch all three Lord of the Rings extended editions back to back

Goodness this was quite the feat!! and although it was quite the experience, I don't reckon I'll do it again... unless I'm bed ridden and can't read or something scary like that :p

Anyways... we started strong around 11:30am, Nessa and I having just eaten breakfast and Trevor and Ryan having come prepared with their blankies :)

I can't remember exactly when... but I think it was half way through the first or after the first... we made all kinda of popcorn! and by all kinds I mean microwaved, air popped and stove top popped.  Note: it was overall agreed that stove topped and air popped were the best tasting, but because when you pop it over the stove there are no wasted kernels, it is the best method for popping corn.

This was the final result and gang... we finished at nearly 1am... but we finished!!! =D congrats to us!
*Note - Braeden and Kurt joined in on the fun for the last movie while Chris (who joined for the second movie) and Ryan skipped out to get some things before Sunday :)

Friday, December 25, 2009

57. 58.

umm... no pictures yet, tons of fun! umm.... more to come!! <3

Monday, December 21, 2009

10. 15. 28.

Three!! in a week and a bit! Pictures to come! :)

well... I guess 15 isn't quite done yet, but it's out of my hands now, as I have left the deliveries to someone else since I returned home for the remainder of the Christmas season. 

10. Saturday I spent all day vegging and Sunday I was really tired! :p but it was accomplished... and I never intend to do it again... :p

28. Today, as we came in to town, my mommy needed some breaky, and since my sister and I had had Timmy's we got in line and got her some too! :) only we payed for the dude behind us too! :) The lady said he got a coffee and breakfast sandwich :) No better way to start your week than a free breakfast eh?! =D I like this one...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

5. Build a snow fort & failed attempt at 81


(right to left) My cousin, brother and I went out to make a snow fort this morning!! =D
It may be hard to tell, but it's a BEAST!! We were out there about an hour and a half...
This was our final project:

Fort Potato! Skittley Dee Potatoes!! ;p

but we got interuptions... like the taxi that came to get people who actually went to work this morning got stuck, so we dug him out :p or right before coming in we decided to try to shovel 1/2 our walk to our neighbour's... but failed because the snow just kept blowing it back on, so I gave up... but here are the efforts:

Basically I just had a ton of fun! and I invite you to come sit in our fort! :)

PS- Believe it or not, we didn't freeze!! =D it was actually quite nice! (even with the wind!) plus... once the fort was satisfactorily tall... sitting in it blocked a lot of that wind!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

7. Go without facebook for 2 weeks (not included in mission time or internet-less time)

So... I honestly think I could have made this a month and been just fine... it was WAY easier than I thought it would be... though I think I can thank my practicum for that... in fact, I think it made it so that so far my practicum's going great BECAUSE I haven't been on all the time :p

An overall great experience... and now I have to go check on everything I missed... :p

PS- You can't tell, but it's 25 notifications, 15 messages, 1 friend request, 1 friend suggestion, 9 event invites, and 6 other requests... not bad for two weeks if I may say so myself :)