Tuesday, December 29, 2009

57. Have a sleepover with all my cousins on my mom’s side

Leftovers of our partying :p

Well... to be honest, the 2 year old couldn't make it for the actual sleeping part... but my auntie brought her over in the morning so we could all have breakfast together! :)

I actually think that the person who was most grateful for this get together was my grandma!! :) It was pretty lame that we couldn't have Christmas all together cuz two of them were with their mom, who had arranged for them to be unavailable the following evening, and actually helped make it tricky to get them for the sleepover too!! but that's ok! we persevered! and we had a rocktacular time! :D

We watched The Muppets' Christmas Carol :) and then in the morning the boys played a PS3 football game :p and we all just kinda hung out 'til the crêpe master (my auntie) arrived :p and we feasted! and then we made plans to go get things for lunch cuz we were all still pretty hungry :p

28. Pay for the person behind me at a Timmy Ho’s drive thru

This was probably the most fun thing so far! and it took no time at all!! We stopped by Tim Horton's to get my mom something to eat before work on our way back from my dad's and there was a jumbo line up, so I thought to myself : What better day than Monday morning in this ridiculous line up the Monday before Christmas?! so I did! :) The lady told us we payed for a guy's coffee and breakfast sandwich :)

You can't tell too well... but that's the guy behind us! and the long line up ;p

*INSERT: On the radio today they had a segment for sharing do-good things that have been done to you, and someone said they went to Timmy's one day and when they got to the window, they found it was payed for them! w00t!!!! :D -May 28th 2010

15. 12 days of Christmas someone

I chose one of my new awesome friends who lives nearby to do this to... I don't know if she knows how awesome she is! plus, she didn't spend Christmas with her family, so she was obviously the perfect candidate <3 Unfortunately, she knows me well enough already to know that I'm one of the only people around that would do this, so I didn't even get past day three without her knowing who it was :p

Some of them were pretty clever too!! but I can't take credit for all of them cuz I took a lot from http://www.easyfunschool.com/article2032.html

Well... I returned to Calgary after day 7 and I left a secret helper to deliver the last few days... :) Thanks to them!

10. Watch all three Lord of the Rings extended editions back to back

Goodness this was quite the feat!! and although it was quite the experience, I don't reckon I'll do it again... unless I'm bed ridden and can't read or something scary like that :p

Anyways... we started strong around 11:30am, Nessa and I having just eaten breakfast and Trevor and Ryan having come prepared with their blankies :)

I can't remember exactly when... but I think it was half way through the first or after the first... we made all kinda of popcorn! and by all kinds I mean microwaved, air popped and stove top popped.  Note: it was overall agreed that stove topped and air popped were the best tasting, but because when you pop it over the stove there are no wasted kernels, it is the best method for popping corn.

This was the final result and gang... we finished at nearly 1am... but we finished!!! =D congrats to us!
*Note - Braeden and Kurt joined in on the fun for the last movie while Chris (who joined for the second movie) and Ryan skipped out to get some things before Sunday :)

Friday, December 25, 2009

57. 58.

umm... no pictures yet, tons of fun! umm.... more to come!! <3

Monday, December 21, 2009

10. 15. 28.

Three!! in a week and a bit! Pictures to come! :)

well... I guess 15 isn't quite done yet, but it's out of my hands now, as I have left the deliveries to someone else since I returned home for the remainder of the Christmas season. 

10. Saturday I spent all day vegging and Sunday I was really tired! :p but it was accomplished... and I never intend to do it again... :p

28. Today, as we came in to town, my mommy needed some breaky, and since my sister and I had had Timmy's we got in line and got her some too! :) only we payed for the dude behind us too! :) The lady said he got a coffee and breakfast sandwich :) No better way to start your week than a free breakfast eh?! =D I like this one...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

5. Build a snow fort & failed attempt at 81


(right to left) My cousin, brother and I went out to make a snow fort this morning!! =D
It may be hard to tell, but it's a BEAST!! We were out there about an hour and a half...
This was our final project:

Fort Potato! Skittley Dee Potatoes!! ;p

but we got interuptions... like the taxi that came to get people who actually went to work this morning got stuck, so we dug him out :p or right before coming in we decided to try to shovel 1/2 our walk to our neighbour's... but failed because the snow just kept blowing it back on, so I gave up... but here are the efforts:

Basically I just had a ton of fun! and I invite you to come sit in our fort! :)

PS- Believe it or not, we didn't freeze!! =D it was actually quite nice! (even with the wind!) plus... once the fort was satisfactorily tall... sitting in it blocked a lot of that wind!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

7. Go without facebook for 2 weeks (not included in mission time or internet-less time)

So... I honestly think I could have made this a month and been just fine... it was WAY easier than I thought it would be... though I think I can thank my practicum for that... in fact, I think it made it so that so far my practicum's going great BECAUSE I haven't been on all the time :p

An overall great experience... and now I have to go check on everything I missed... :p

PS- You can't tell, but it's 25 notifications, 15 messages, 1 friend request, 1 friend suggestion, 9 event invites, and 6 other requests... not bad for two weeks if I may say so myself :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

71. Watch a sunset and a sunrise within 24 hours

So... the last week I've been leaving my house at the crack of dawn (litterally), and coming home just as the sun begins to set or so... and although I haven't been able to get any good pictures of those dark fuschia sunrises, I am including pictures of other sunrises/sunsets from around here. 

This one's sunset looking over the plains and on to the mountains... but since I was driving, I owe my youngest brother many thanks for this amazing shot!!

Believe it or not, this one's a sunrise at the university!  with the "city" skyline :p Very pretty though :)

My friends playing bumper caterpillars this morning while we were waiting for pretty colours to arise... and there were none!! it was the weirdest sunrise ever...

The reason I'm picking tonight to write it: we made a point of trying to watch the sunrise today... but it failed in being an obvious sunrise... but we even climbed trees to try to get a better view! ^_^ and it was so much fun! despite the minor disappointment in view... AND tonight we tried to watch it too :) while I wrote up my Grade 5 Math class :p

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


so... I sent my list to my missionary friend, and he claims to already have accomplished a bunch of them... I think he's lying/cheating, but his rebuke was true... all I've done is ONE! so... tonight I begin a facebook fast! ... no facebook for two weeks! it'll be great! it'll be hard! it'll be so worth it! I'm excited for two weeks of more human interaction! and more time to do other things in the real world :)

I'll need luck and prayers and strength! (sounds pretty pathetic...)

Monday, November 2, 2009

79. Attend a play

I got lucky!! My brother was in the school play (playing many roles actually :p), so we went to go see the show closing night!  Our grandma even came down for the event! :D

this is with my grandma

and here's everyone else! patiently anticipating the show!! :D

That's my brother in my favorite of his roles... The White Knight! "I'd call you a pansie, but that'd be an insult to pansies!" I laughed so hard!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Getting Started

In no particular order, I present my 101 in 1001

Sunday, October 18th 2009 - Sunday July 15th 2012

1. Slow dance in the rain

2. Read the Bible

3. Serve a full-time mission

4. Drink a virgin piña colada in the rain

5. Build a snow fort

6. Read Romeo and Juliet

7. Go without facebook for 2 weeks (not included in mission time or internet-less time)

8. Share testimony with someone every fast Sunday for a year (0/12)

9. Do a complete fast 3 times in a row (24 hours, prayer, offering) (0/3)

10. Watch all three LoTR extended editions back to back

11. Climb 5 new trees

12. Give up the internet for 2 weeks (not included in mission time)

13. Sing in a group of less than 8 in public

14. Attend a session at the Salt Lake Temple

15. 12 days of Christmas someone

16. Full out decorate for Halloween

17. Go camping with friends

18. Start and contribute monthly to a personal travel fund

19. Take a photography class

20. Take a mechanics course

21. Go snow shoeing

22. Go paintballing with a sling shot

23. Attend the family camping trip

24. Have “coffee” or a meal with a friend from elementary school

25. Get recertified for first aid

26. Get a pet

27. Learn to be fluent in a new language

28. Pay for the person behind me at a Timmy Ho’s drive thru

29. Fly a kite

30. Learn to golf

31. Play through an RPG

32. Have three friends attend the Calgary Temple open house (0/3)

33. Accept falling in love

34. Be vegetarian for a week each summer (0/3)

35. Write and send a letter once a week (x/143)

36. Take a tap or Irish dance class

37. Go on one of those crazy and pay for me rides (slingshot, bungee jumping or something)

38. Get my graduated driver’s license

39. Dress up as a famous group that goes together for Halloween

40. Not eat junk food for a month

41. Learn to play soccer properly

42. Go up the Calgary tower

43. Sew myself a dress

44. Go on a “date” with each of my direct family members (4/5)

45. Get myself drawn as an anime

46. Bring 3 names to the temple (0/3)

47. Wave to everyone I make eye contact with while driving on a road trip

48. Cook and host a more formal dinner with family and close friends

49. Have two jobs at once

50. Drive outside of Canada

51. Swim under the stars

52. Learn to play and be able to sing along to a song on guitar

53. Go to sleep before midnight for two consecutive weeks (also not included in mission time)

54. Bike on a highway

55. Go running for 30 minutes weekday mornings for 2 weeks

56. Successfully make aji de gallina

57. Have a sleepover with all my cousins on my mom’s side

58. Wash dishes without being asked once a week for two months

59. Write 101 reasons why I love each of my siblings (35/303)

60. Catch a fish

61. Watch the three High School Musicals back to back and sing along to every song

62. Read Jesus the Christ

63. Invite a friend to take the discussions

64. Go carolling twice a winter season (1/3)

65. Get Anne of Green Gables I & II (0/2)

66. Learn to belay

67. Eat tofurkey

68. Make tamales

69. Read the Book of Mormon in Russian

70. Go canoeing in a row boat in the moonlight

71. Watch a sunset and a sunrise within 24 hours

72. Write something in my journal every day for a month

73. Go to Utah for conference

74. Read Preach My Gospel

75. Learn to, and make alfajores on my own for someone else

76. Learn to, and make crema volteada

77. Practice piano every day for 3 weeks

78. Acquire a brass instrument for myself

79. Attend a play

80. Attend a local group’s concert

81. Shovel someone’s walk anonymously

82. Get rubber boots

83. Learn to skate properly

84. Go winter camping

85. Make meals that don’t involve rice for five days in a row

86. Drink the eight cups of water a day for a week

87. Use each of the EFY Gospel Lessons DVDs in a lesson (0/3)

88. Read 20 books over a summer (6/20)

89. Pixie someone

90. Learn the marinera

91. Know all 100 scripture mastery references (31/100)

92. Do my visiting teaching in the first week of the month

93. Be in three places at once

94. Learn to apply eye make up properly

95. Give out 3 Books of Mormon (1/3)

96. Give 5 compliments a day for a week

97. Learn to play harmonica

98. Learn to juggle consistently

99. Make a list of songs that remind me of each of my siblings

100. Clean each of my parents’ communal living areas (kitchen, living room, stairs, entrance) without them asking (1/2)

101. Document the fulfilling of this list with pictures and short notes

Monday, September 28, 2009


I was inspired by a good friend of mine to try this thing where you make a list of 101 things you want to get done in the next1001 days, so I thought to myself: why not? I have a long list of things I want to do anyways... why not add the motivation? so now I'm just working on finding 101 things to do! ... I'm about half way!